A truly positive and fairly speedy induction story!
Throughout my pregnancy when I handed over a urine sample, it always failed on the Glucose Tolerance Test. After a while I was asked to measure my blood sugar, which was fine. This ended up being a little joke (with my husband calling me sweet pea). After being given the all clear with that, our baby was measuring small at 32 weeks, we had growth scans every other week but as she was still wriggling and happy, they were content to just to keep an eye on her. At 36 weeks I had a little bleeding nothing too bad but enough that the doctor suggested inducing me at 39 weeks. At my 38-week growth scan they booked my induction for the Sunday. I also had a stretch and sweep whilst there on the Wednesday followed by another on Saturday morning. We tried to get it going by itself, with walking and side stepping up and down the stairs. None of this worked so induction day came and we were instructed to call the labour ward at 7.00am. They were really busy so we called back at 10.00am. Still too busy. At 2.00pm they finally had space for us. We got ready and headed in (via McDonalds). At 3.30pm they inserted the pessary and we were told; chances are nothing will happen, and they will do a vaginal check in 24 hours. My husband and I got ourselves settled and went for a walk around the hospital, watched some films and I had a relaxing bath. I had my first contraction at 11.00pm. I tried to get a little sleep in between contractions but they were coming too quickly so I left my husband in the hospital bed to get some sleep while I used all the breathing and moving techniques, I had learned from Elle to control the pain of the contractions. By 2.00am I was starting to struggle with the pain so we asked for paracetamol and the midwife suggested having a bath. This helped for a short while. Another hour went by and the contractions were coming thick and fast. I started to feel the urge to push just after 3.00am. The midwife came in and wanted to do another examination, so I led on the bed half on my back half on my side. While they were looking, I felt the urge to push and was encouraged to push and my waters broke. About 20 minutes of pushing (led on my back) I had 2 midwifes talking through pushing and breathing, they were amazing. I was offered the gas and air but it was making me panic and made me struggle with deep breaths. I found just breathing was helping a lot more. At 4.07am we gave birth to a beautiful baby girl weighing 6lb 9oz. In conclusion even though our birth plan went out the window, (we wanted a water birth and to have an active labour). We had a healthy baby, some amazing support throughout pregnancy and through labour. We had less then 1 hour of active labour which was intense and left us both feeling very overwhelmed. We did however feel prepared for what was going to happen throughout labour and used so many of the techniques we had learned within pregnancy yoga and the birthing tool kit we both attended.